
Yamaha DMEs Shine At Poole Lighthouse

Used by over 300,000 people a year, Poole Lighthouse is a key arts hub for the Bournemouth/Poole conurbation on the south coast. Established 35 years ago, an ongoing programme of improvements has seen Yamaha DME series digital mixing engines installed in both of its main performance spaces.

The End Of The World Is Nigh… And The Soundtrack’s Managed By Yamaha

According to some interpretations of the Mayan calendar, the world will end on 21st December. PortAventura, one of Spain’s biggest theme parks, is marking the occasion by putting on a spectacular display in its Templo del Fuego (Temple of Fire) in which two Yamaha DME64N digital mixing engines play a vital role.

Yamaha Loudspeakers Deliver Classical Excellence At The Science Museum

This summer, the Philharmonia Orchestra has given people the chance to literally ‘get inside’ a symphony orchestra at its Universe of Sound exhibition at the Science Museum, London. A key part of the exhibition is letting the public hear exactly the same sounds as musicians in the orchestra’s different sections, which is why Yamaha MSP5 and SW10 loudspeakers were chosen for their precise reproduction qualities.

Invisible Link - Yamaha Digital Mixing Engines Provide The Perfect Foundation For Helsinki Music Centre

The technology, flexibility and reliability of Yamaha audio equipment has made it the benchmark for today’s live music industry. However, many venues feature installations of high specification Yamaha technology performing functions which are just as important and advanced, but much less visible. A prime example is the DME series of digital mixing engines, which are a major feature of one of Europe’s most technically advanced venues, the Helsinki Music Centre.

1000 Yamaha Amplifiers Is A Grand Achievement For Finnkino

One of the most vital components of a cinema audio system is its power amplifiers. High volumes and critical surround mixes mean that cinemas need to deliver the very best quality sound, which is why Finnkino - the biggest cinema chain in Finland - recently passed the milestone of installing it’s 1000th Yamaha amplifier.