
Invisible Link - Yamaha Digital Mixing Engines Provide The Perfect Foundation For Helsinki Music Centre

The technology, flexibility and reliability of Yamaha audio equipment has made it the benchmark for today’s live music industry. However, many venues feature installations of high specification Yamaha technology performing functions which are just as important and advanced, but much less visible. A prime example is the DME series of digital mixing engines, which are a major feature of one of Europe’s most technically advanced venues, the Helsinki Music Centre.

1000 Yamaha Amplifiers Is A Grand Achievement For Finnkino

One of the most vital components of a cinema audio system is its power amplifiers. High volumes and critical surround mixes mean that cinemas need to deliver the very best quality sound, which is why Finnkino - the biggest cinema chain in Finland - recently passed the milestone of installing it’s 1000th Yamaha amplifier.

Westfield Stratford City Is Full of Eastern Promise

Following on from the opening of Westfield London in 2008, the retail giant recently opened an even bigger facility in the east of the city. Following the success of the Yamaha installation at its predecessor, Westfield Stratford City features a much larger, even more flexible system.

Yamaha Provides Flexible Sound at Ashton Central Mosque

When the construction of a northern bypass for Ashton-under-Lyne, Manchester, meant the compulsory purchase and demolition of the town’s longest-established mosque, a brand new facility was constructed in its place. Built in less than a year, Yamaha amplifiers and digital networking are a central feature of its audio specification.

Yamaha System Helps Bring Siege Mentality to MACBA

Lasting 1395 days, the siege of Sarajevo was one of the darkest episodes witnessed by mainland Europe since the Second World War. Revisited in a major exhibition at the world famous Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Yamaha audio technology is helping to bring a powerful depiction of the siege to life.