
Casino Le Lyon Vert Wins Audio Jackpot With Yamaha

Located a short car, bus or train journey from the centre of Lyon, France, Casino Le Lyon Vert offers a wide range of traditional and slot gaming, as well as a restaurant and brasserie. A recent update of its audio system has seen a zoned Yamaha system installed, featuring Commercial Installation Solutions (CIS) products.

Yamaha AFC3 Delivers New Acoustics To The 'Old Lady'

With expectations of audio quality from both audiences and performers throughout the world continually rising, the question of how to make venues used for drama and amplified music truly suitable for classical and acoustic music is being increasingly asked. A Yamaha AFC3 acoustic enhancement system has provided the answer at a historic theatre in the Netherlands.

Superior Sounding Sermons At Stadtkirche Aalen

Enhancing the sound in old buildings to match modern expectations is a common task for contemporary systems integrators. This is particularly true of houses of worship, where the different elements of praise often need a versatile sound reinforcement system in a space that was originally designed for purely acoustic sound. The latest in a series of German installations shows, again, that Yamaha’s Commercial Installation Solutions (CIS) range can make a real difference.

Yamaha CIS Products Flex Their Muscles At Simply Gym

Yamaha’s Commercial Installations Solutions (CIS) range offers installers a huge range of options, making systems from the simplest to the most complex straightforward to design, install, commission and control. Suitable for virtually any indoor project, a recent installation has seen CIS products flex their muscles at Simply Gym.

Great Sound Is Top Of The Menu At De Oude Tol

Overlooking one of the Netherlands many wide, sweeping drainage dykes, De Oude Tol (The Old Toll) is a popular restaurant and bar in Oud Beijerland, south of Rotterdam. A new Yamaha installation has radically enhanced the quality and flexibility of the venue’s audio system.