
Yamaha CIS Is On The Money At Banco di Napoli

Founded in 1539, the Banco di Napoli (Bank of Naples) is the oldest bank on the Italian peninsular. Its historical archive is a remarkable time capsule of Italian history stretching back nearly half a century, part of which has recently been opened as a visitor attraction. A Yamaha audio installation plays a key role in telling the story.

Clarity Installs Yamaha CIS in NW Portland Restaurant

Clarity Media Group (CMG) of Lake Oswego, OR recently installed a Yamaha Commercial Installations Solutions(CIS) system at Jo Rotisserie & Bar, a dining establishment/live jazz club in Portland, Oregon.

Atmospheric Artistry: Yamaha CIS Lineups Support A New Kind of Shopping Experience at Itoya’s Flagship Store in Tokyo

Itoya is the most famous traditional stationery store in Japan and on June 16th, 2015, the company celebrated the reopening of its newly refurbished flagship store located in the centre of Ginza, Tokyo.

Sound With Muscle - Yamaha Is No.1 For One Training Centers

One Training Centers is an expanding chain of Swiss fitness facilities which offers a wide range of group and solo activities. Yamaha audio systems help to keep the class participants working hard.

Yamaha AFC3 Delivers World Class Acoustics At Grand Theatre of the National Opera, Warsaw

Opened in 1833 and rebuilt after its near-destruction during the Second World War, Teatr Wielki Opera Narodowa (TWON, the Grand Theatre of the National Opera) in Warsaw, Poland, has the largest stage in Europe. Measuring 36.5m x 35m and with a volume of 38,000m3, the size of the stage has contributed to many sound-related issues. To overcome them, a Yamaha AFC3 system was chosen for one of the largest acoustic enhancement installations in the world, designed and realised by a true team effort.