NetworkAmp Manager
첨단, 대규모 디지털 오디오 네트워크를 위한 포괄적인 네트워크 관리 소프트웨어
Full control and monitoring of extended Tn and PC-1N Series amp systems
Tn 시리즈 파워 앰프의 후면 패널은 원격 상태 모니터링 및 온/오프 스위칭, 뮤팅 및 컴퓨터의 감소량과 같은 파라미터 컨트롤을 위해 Yamaha ACU-16C Amp Control Unit과 연결이 가능한 RJ45 커넥터를 제공합니다. 뿐만 아니라, 프리셋 파라미터 한도가 초과되면 경고가 표시될 수 있으며, 자동 로깅 기능으로 쉽고 효율적으로 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다.. NHB32-C 네트워크 허브/브리지를 갖춘 이 시리즈는 CobraNet™ 네트워크를 통해 여러 대의 장치를 원격으로 조정할 수 있게 해줍니다. 이 제품은 ACU-16C의 앰프 컨트롤 기능 외에도 초정밀 16채널 DA 컨버터 기능을 담당하고, CobraNet™ 네트워크를 통해 24비트 디지털 오디오 데이터를 수신합니다.
NHB32-C network hub and bridge function management

CobraNet™ is capable of transferring eight channels of 20-bit data or seven channels of 24-bit data per bundle. The NetworkAmp Manager application can be used to assign the audio data inputs and outputs for each bundle. Each NHB32-C can transmit and receive up to four bundles of audio data. Received AES/EBU audio data can be assigned to four bundles to be transferred via the CobraNet™ network, and bundles received via the network can be assigned to AES/EBU signals as required.
CobraNet channel and analog output assignment for ACU16-C

A single ACU16-C unit can receive up to four digital audio bundles via CobraNet™ and convert any specified 16 channels to analog output. The NetworkAmp manager makes it possible to assign the CobraNet™ input and output bundles as required.NetworkAmp Manager lets you specify which 16 of the 32 available channels of digital audio data will be output in analog form and sent to the Tn or PC-1N series amplifiers. An intuitive parameter layout makes setup fast and easy.
ACU16-C amplifier control function management

Another major feature of the NetworkAmp Manager is its ability to automatically monitor the operation of each amplifier via the ACU16-C. Each ACU16-C can handle as many as 32 amplifiers, making it easy to keep track of and control specific amplifier groups. A channel detail window provides graphical monitoring and controls for each channel, including power-on/standby, attenuation in 62 steps, phase (normal/reverse), mute (on/off), input and output metering, heat sink temperature, and load impedance (current, max. hold, min. hold).
Warning and automated logging

Using the ACU16-C amp control function the NetworkAmp Manager can warn you when a parameter exceeds a redefined wattage, temperature, or impedance (upper/lower) value. This lets you keep track of all amplifiers in the system from a central computer display in real time. Warnings are automatically logged to an info file so it's easy to pinpoint and troubleshoot problems.