
Yamaha System Brings Scripture To The Monks Of Saint Panteleimon

Saint Panteleimon Monastery is a Russian Orthodox monastery built on the southwest side of the peninsula of Mount Athos in Macedonia, Northern Greece. Currently home to around 70 resident monks and many pilgrims every year, a Yamaha audio system has recently been installed to help scripture reading be clearly heard.

RIVAGE PM7 Comes To Poland’s PogoArt

As one of Poland’s leading live production companies, Wroclaw-based PogoArt works on some of the country’s highest profile live events, from star-studded festivals and high art opera, to traditional music recitals and corporate conventions. So it came as no surprise that it is the first Polish company to invest in Yamaha’s new RIVAGE PM7 digital mixing system.

Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 Makes UK Live Debut With tube uk

The global success of Yamaha’s new RIVAGE PM7 digital mixing system continues unabated, with Manchester-based audio specialist tube uk not only being the first UK production company to take delivery of one, but also the first to use it on a UK show.

Yamaha Adds Audio Magic To Fine Dining

Established 20 years ago and set in the heart of rural Essex, the Magic Mushroom restaurant offers contemporary fine dining in relaxed modern surroundings. A recent extension and upgrade has added high quality audio, thanks to Yamaha loudspeakers and amplifiers.

Saddleback Church Upgrades Audio Consoles With Dual Yamaha RIVAGE PM10s at Lake Forest Campus

Clark, a leading provider of innovative audio, video and lighting solutions with offices in Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Dallas, recently installed two Yamaha RIVAGE PM10 Digital Audio Consoles at Saddleback Church in Lake Forrest, CA; one PM10 is used for front of house, the second for monitors.