MTX Series

Welcome to the MTX/MRX series Tutorial Videos. We are going to show you the main points that are going to help you achieve results, without having to spend days reading a manual. *English Subtitles (and more subtitles on some videos) are available.


MTX/MRX series are designed primarily for multi-zone commercial installation and are equipped with flexible processing functions that are essential to a wide variety of application. This is an introduction to Yamaha’s MTX and MRX DSP processor.

Overview: I/O

A closer look at the inputs and outputs of the MTX and MRX processors and provide an overview of the processing available in each one.

MTX Overview 1

This video will give an introduction to the Yamaha MTX Series (MTX3, MTX5-D).

MTX Overview 2

A further look to the Yamaha MTX Series (MTX3, MTX5-D) as well as a guide to the simple editing software MTX-MRX Editor.

Dugan Automixer

The Dan Dugan algorithm clearly share the mic gain between the microphone without any audible signs of gating or other artefacts. We will take a further look into the Dan Dugan Automixer or MTX/MRX processors.

FBS ( Feedback Suppressor )

This video will explain how the FBS on MRX and MTX processor works to prevent feedback effectively.

Introduction of Remote Control

MTX/MRX system provides a various solutions of the remote control. This video will give a brief introduction to these solutions.

벽 장착형 컨트롤 패널 MCP1

Yamaha MCP1은 MTX 및 MRX 시스템을 제어하기 위한 벽 장착형 고급 제어 패널입니다. 이를 통해 사용자는 DCP보다 더 많은 기능과 더 높은 보안 수준으로 시스템을 원격으로 제어 할 수 있습니다. 이 비디오는 MCP1을 시스템에 설치하는 방법을 보여줍니다.

디지털 컨트롤 패널- DCP 시리즈 / MTX/MRX 원격제어

DCP (Digital Control Panel)는 MTX / MRX 프로세서의 정교한 프로그래밍을 모두 제어 할 수 있는 간편한 솔루션입니다. MTX-MRX 에디터로 DCP를 설정하는 방법에 대해 자세히 살펴 보겠습니다.

디지털 컨트롤러 허브 - DCH8 / MTX / MRX 원격제어

DCH8은 DCP 구성의 유연성을 높입니다. 장치를 자세히 살펴보고 DCP를 DCH8과 함께 연결하는 방법을 배웁니다.

무선 DCP / MTX/MRX 원격 제어

무선 DCP는 스마트 장치를 사용하면 유연성이 극대화 됩니다. DCP와 동일한 기능을 제공하며 케이블링이 필요 없습니다. 이 비디오는 무선 DCP를 설정하는 방법을 설명합니다.

01 How to setup and create RCSL file with MTX-MRX Editor

ProVisionaire Touch is a powerful remote control solution of MTX/MRX that allows user to customise the user interface completely. Let's take a closer look to the features and learn how to setup and create RCSL file with MTX-MRX Editor.

02 How to design the user interface

ProVisionaire Touch is a powerful remote control solution of MTX/MRX that allows to user to customise the user interface completely. Let's learn how to design the user interface.

03 How to assign parameters and get provisionaire touch online

ProVisionaire Touch is a powerful remote control solution of MTX/MRX that allows to user to customise the user interface completely. Let's learn how to get online with the MTX/MRX processor.

04 More features of ProVisionaire Touch

ProVisionaire Touch allows user to control various Yamaha products, including the Blue-ray players and CD players/AV Receivers with MusicCast enabled, as well as "Disklavier Enspire" reproducing pianos. Let's take a further look at the features of ProVisionaire Touch.


Yamaha's PGM1/PGX1 are paging stations that can be used with the MTX5-D or MRX7-D. It can be networked via a Dante Network and using Power Ethernet or PoE. This video will show you how to set up the paging station to the system.

AES67을 지원하는 Yamaha Dante 기기 안내서

  • Masafumi Ito

본 안내서는 Yamaha Dante 기기와 타사의 Dante가 아닌 AES67를 연결하는 방법을 안내합니다.